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Carbonara with or without sauce.

This versatile recipe is quick and easy to make. You can add extra ingredients such as chicken, mushrooms, peppers too. In this recipe I’ve just kept the recipe simple by using bacon and ham. As traditional carbonara is usually just made with egg and Parmesan I have given you the choice of making it the traditional way or with a really simple sauce .

Serves 4


200g Pasta or vegetable based pasta

(I particularly like Explore Cuisine Edamame Spaghetti)

150g Lean Bacon Lardons or Pieces

200g Lean Ham Finely Chopped

1 Egg

1 Teaspoon Garlic Granules

2 Tablespoons Fresh Parmesan Cheese

For the Sauce.

165g Tub Lightest Philadelphia with herbs or similar soft cheese product

150ml Hot Water

Optional Parmesan Cheese Shavings to serve.


Cook the pasta aS per packet instructions, drain and cover to keep warm. Fry the bacon in a non stick pan, add the ham (plus any additional ingredients You wish to use) and fry for a further minute or two, depending on additional ingredients.

Beat the egg, parmesan and garlic together until there is no egg white showing. Remove the frying pan from the heat and quickly toss in the egg to coat the pasta. This is the traditional dish complete. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese shavings to serve.

For the Sauce.

Mix the Philadelphia with 150mls of hot water (you can use the water from the pasta if you like). Stir until completely smooth then toss into pasta. Serve.

Approx calories - with no sauce 200 calories per serving, with sauce 241 calories per serving.

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29. Mai 2022

Thank u xx

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