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McPizza - Protein Pizza

This is a fabulous take on a very well known burger which I have made into a protein pizza! Using lean beef mince as the base and topping with onions, gherkins(optional) and light cheese slices makes it a very tasty, filling and healthier alternative to any takeaway. It’s so filling you’ll never eat a whole one on your own which makes it perfect to share with the whole family.


500g 5% Fat Beef Mince

1 Onion Finely Chopped

1 Medium Gherkin Sliced (optional)

1 Tablespoon Tomato Puree

1 Rasher of Bacon

2 Low Fat Cheese Slices

20g Light Grated Mozzarella & Red Leicester Cheese


Squeeze the mince together to form a ball and flatten out with the palm of your hand. Line an 8inch oven tray or Pizza tray and spread the mince out, covering the baking paper, using the back of a spoon.

Cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and drain off any juice.

Fry the onions in a non stick frying pan for 3 minutes. Spread the tomato purée on top of the pizza. Add onions and spread over the pizza. Next add gherkins (if using).

Slicd the bacon into strips and add to the pizza. Nexr tear the cheese slices into pieces and top the pizza, finish with the grated cheese.

Return to the oven for a further 10 minutes or until cheese has melted and bacon is cooked.

Eat on its own or with a crisp salad.

Calories per 1/4 pizza serving: 265

Tip: try adding jalapeño peppers for a spicy McPizza

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