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Mexican ‘Magic’ Muffins

These little bundles of deliciousness are full of tasty, health improving ingredients including tasty spinach and chargrilled peppers. They have a little kick of heat from chilli flakes and the addition of paprika adds a very complimentary Smokey flavour. Perfect for a quick breakfast or lunch as well as a savoury snack.

Makes 12

108 cals each

175g Self Raising Flour

1 Tsp Baking Powder

40g Soft Butter

1 Egg

115ml Unsweetened Almond Milk or Preferred Milk

60gGrated Red Leciester Cheese

20g Grated Red Leicester for topping

100g Chargrilled Red Peppers finely chopped

50g Spinach Chopped

2 Teaspoons Smoked Paprika

1 Teaspoon Garlic Granules

Pinch Chilli Flakes

Spray Oil


Mix the flour, baking powder, egg, butter, milk, 60g cheese, peppers, spinach, paprika, garlic and chilli flakes together with a wooden spoon until fully combined.

Spray the muffin tin with oil and divide between 12 muffin cavities. Cook in a preheated oven or sue ftyer 280 degrees for 12-15 minutes or until browned and fully cooked.

Enjoy on their own or with a large salad or with soup.

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