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Spicy Bean Burger

This delicious vegetarian burger has a smoky yet spicy flavour, perfect for a winters day. It is delicious served with a sprinkling of your favourite cheese, in particular Stilton or blue cheese, on a wholemeal and topped with a dash of tomato sauce.

Makes 4


1 Tin Mixed Beans

1/2 Tin Baked Beans

2 Tablespoons Tomato Puree

1 Tablespoon Smoked Paprika

1 Teasoon Chilli Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Granules

2 Tablespoons Gluten Free Flour

Pinch of Chilli Flakes (optional)

40g of your favourite Cheese


Drain the beans and tip into a large mixing bowl. Add the tomato purée, paprKia, chilli powder and garlic granules and stir well.

Next add the flour and stir well until fully combined

Spray a non stick pan with low calorie cooking spray and divide mix into 4. Shape into 4 burger shapes in the pan, using a spatula. Cook for a few minutes, gently patting down with The spatula. Remove the pan from the heat, sprinkle with chilli flakes (if using) and place the pan under a medium grill, cook for a further 3-5 minutes and top with your choice of cheese, return to the grill for a few seconds or until cheese has melted. Leave to stand in the pan for a 2 minutes before serving.

Delicious on their own with a salad or served on a wholemeal bread roll or gluten free roll with a dash of tomato sauce.

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